“THANK YOU just doesn't seem to say enough! You literally offered us the tools and courage to change our lives for the better. Without your strength, experience, and hope, we would have been trapped in our despair.”- Lisa


“Thank you for showing us what true courage is; for offering your valuable time and patience to us; for being the wonderful person you are, and for always sharing your warm and loving smile!!”- Russ



“My heart is overflowing with gratitude for the things you taught me. I never thought that I would get to a point where my son’s addiction would feel like a blessing but I have come to learn so much about myself through all of this. I am experiencing a wellness I never imagined and you are the one who set me on this path.”- Sheri



“I am incredibly grateful for YOU and all that you have done to help my family learn and heal. Thank you for being a tender voice of knowledge as I start my journey to heal.”- Stefani