Simply Well Hair Analysis

Much of our health is a product of what we expose out genes to: what we eat, how we move, how we feel, and our stress levels. Epigenetics is the study of how our behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. I use small tweezers to grab 3-4 hair bulbs from the back of the head which are then placed on my scanner. We use the hair follicle because it holds 90 days of information opposed to blood that only holds around 24 hrs. Our FDA compliant technology uses scalar waves that occur when the hair roots are placed on the machine. The software then converts the epigenetic information into a personal digital record with over 800 individual wellness indicators that are affecting YOUR body. Your detailed report is sent back in roughly 12-15 minutes. Then, we thoroughly analyze all the information in the report and develop a 90 day personalized health optimization plan that empowers you with the knowledge of how to assist in preventing future disease and damage to the systems that power your body and help to make daily nutritional & lifestyle choices to optimize your all around health.

Simply Well specializes in the first 3 pages of the report which gives us specific information on:

Immune System

Gut Health

Cardiovascular System

It will also reveal your top 10 food restrictions, the systems in your body that need the most support, EMF exposure levels, and food additives to avoid. It identifies your deficiencies in: vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, antioxidants, and amino acids. Scan result will show specific levels of environmental toxins and if your body is burdened by a bacteria, fungus, mold, or parasite load.

Your report is an invaluable tool to living your fullest, healthiest, bravest life!

We rescan in 90 days and see if a better balance has been achieved in all areas of the mind, body and soul.

Hair analysis

$250- 1 hour 30 minutes

mail in hair analysis

$295- contact me for details


$225- 1 hour 30 minutes

kids scan

$250- 1 hour 15 minutes 1-12 yrs old